
The primary logo for Generation Wild is the red sunflower. The secondary logos may also be used to keep the brand as fresh and interesting as the outdoors.


The vibrant color palette is what helps bring the Generation Wild brand to life. Primary, Secondary, and Accent colors which should be used in the following hierarchy seen below.

Generation Wild color hierarchy bar with 11 different colors that spans across the screenGeneration Wild color hierarchy bar with 11 different colors that spans across the screen

RGB: 236 29 59
CMYK: 0 100 79 0
PMS: 199C, 3517U

HEX: #63CAE0
RGB: 99 202 224
CMYK: 55 0 10 0
PMS: 297C, 297U

RGB: 203 219 44
CMYK: 25 0 100 0
PMS: 583C, 4233U

HEX: #FFD400
RGB: #255 212 0
CMYK: 0 15 100 0
PMS: 7409C, 7406U

HEX: #F7A19A
RGB: 247 161 154
CMYK: 0 45 30 0
PMS: 4067C, 3519U

HEX: #018EB3
RGB: 1 142 179
CMYK: 82 30 19 0
PMS: 2391C, 2391U

RGB: 155 170 58
CMYK: 44 19 100 1
PMS: 7495C, 390U

HEX: #D55625
RGB: #213 86 37
CMYK: 8 79 99 5
PMS: 7580C, 3516U

HEX: #74323E
RGB: 116 50 62
CMYK: 39 84 61 37
PMS: 7428C, 7421U

HEX: #005A7E
RGB: 0 90 126
CMYK: 96 62 32 12
PMS: 7700C, 4159U

HEX: #39532A
RGB: 57 83 42
CMYK: 74 44 94 41
PMS: 350C, 350U

RGB: 236 29 59
CMYK: 0 100 79 0
PMS: 199C, 3517U

HEX: #63CAE0
RGB: 99 202 224
CMYK: 55 0 10 0
PMS: 297C, 297U

RGB: 203 219 44
CMYK: 25 0 100 0
PMS: 583C, 4233U

HEX: #FFD400
RGB: #255 212 0
CMYK: 0 15 100 0
PMS: 7409C, 7406U

HEX: #F7A19A
RGB: 247 161 154
CMYK: 0 45 30 0
PMS: 4067C, 3519U

HEX: #018EB3
RGB: 1 142 179
CMYK: 82 30 19 0
PMS: 2391C, 2391U

RGB: 155 170 58
CMYK: 44 19 100 1
PMS: 7495C, 390U

HEX: #D55625
RGB: #213 86 37
CMYK: 8 79 99 5
PMS: 7580C, 3516U

HEX: #74323E
RGB: 116 50 62
CMYK: 39 84 61 37
PMS: 7428C, 7421U

HEX: #005A7E
RGB: 0 90 126
CMYK: 96 62 32 12
PMS: 7700C, 4159U

HEX: #39532A
RGB: 57 83 42
CMYK: 74 44 94 41
PMS: 350C, 350U


The Filson Soft font family is the preferred font. If you are unable to purchase a license for Filson Soft, Quicksand is an acceptable free alternative that is available on Google Fonts.

Filson Soft

8 different lines of text showing the different font weights of Filson Soft




5 different lines of text showing the different font weights of Quicksand

RGB: 236 29 59
CMYK: 0 100 79 0
PMS: 199C, 3517U

HEX: #63CAE0
RGB: 99 202 224
CMYK: 55 0 10 0
PMS: 297C, 297U

RGB: 203 219 44
CMYK: 25 0 100 0
PMS: 583C, 4233U

HEX: #FFD400
RGB: #255 212 0
CMYK: 0 15 100 0
PMS: 7409C, 7406U

HEX: #F7A19A
RGB: 247 161 154
CMYK: 0 45 30 0
PMS: 4067C, 3519U

HEX: #018EB3
RGB: 1 142 179
CMYK: 82 30 19 0
PMS: 2391C, 2391U

RGB: 155 170 58
CMYK: 44 19 100 1
PMS: 7495C, 390U

HEX: #D55625
RGB: #213 86 37
CMYK: 8 79 99 5
PMS: 7580C, 3516U

HEX: #74323E
RGB: 116 50 62
CMYK: 39 84 61 37
PMS: 7428C, 7421U

HEX: #005A7E
RGB: 0 90 126
CMYK: 96 62 32 12
PMS: 7700C, 4159U

HEX: #39532A
RGB: 57 83 42
CMYK: 74 44 94 41
PMS: 350C, 350U

If you have questions about how to use these brand elements — or if you
would like us to review your use of them — please email info@goco.org.

If you have questions about how to use these brand elements — or if you would like us to review your use of them — please email info@goco.org.